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Pans Pipe, Three Pastorall Eglogues, in English Hexameter

With Other Poetical Verses delightfull. For the further delight of the Reader, the Printer hath annexed hereunto the delectable Poeme of the Fisher-mans Tale [by Francis Sabie]

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[VVinter now wore away cold with his hoary frosts]
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[VVinter now wore away cold with his hoary frosts]

VVinter now wore away cold with his hoary frosts,
And now sharp Boreas was made a prisoner:
Now brought in Ladie Ver smels odoristerous,
And with blasts verie calme Zephirus entred,
Each bird sent merrily musicall harmonie:
The Cuckow flew abroad with an ode vniforme,
This time euerie thing merily welcomed,
Swains with their silly truls sat by their heards feeding,
One while telling of ancient histories,
Now playing on a pipe rusticall harmony,
And the ruddie Goddesse, her manie colloured
Gates had scarce on a time to Titan opened,
When three Swaines Coridon, Thestilis, and Damon,
Hauing new fro the fieldes, their greedy flockes let out,
Met by chance on a time vnder a shady tree,
And who neere to the tree stood with his heard alone,
Faustus an aged man, master of harmony,
These three mates when he saw speedilie came to them.
Vp then rose Coridon, Thestilis and Damon,
And prayd this aged heard to sit vpon a turse.
He sate, they fate againe, Thestilis and Damon,
And clownish Coridon, each held a pipe in hand,
Th' old man left at home his musical instrument
And he much reuerenc'd for his age of the rest,
First of all merily spake to the companie.