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Seauen Satyres

Applyed to the weeke, including the worlds ridiculous follyes. True faelicity described in the Phoenix. Maulgre. Whereunto is annexed the wandring Satyre. By W. Rankins

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Lay not my sinnes O Lord, vnto my charge.

Cast down those eies dread deere redeeming Lord,
That shed salt teares for poore Ierusalem,
In pitty of my sinnes by thee abhorr'd,
And when thou hast with loue perused them,
By which thou often hast excused men,
And seest how headlong I haue run at large,
Yet Lord, lay not my crimes vnto my charge.
Let that sweete toong sayd woman sinne no more,
Thy healing hand most kinde Samaritane,
Pronounce a pardon for my hearts deplore,
And make my black sinnes whiter than the Swan,
Defilde with mischiefes since my life began.


Oh lay not those foule treasons to my charge,
But stop them, least they run too much at large.
What glory is it that so meane a soule?
Earths vassaylage, the wormes subiected slaue,
Whose honor dust downe-trodden doth inroule?
Should quite be damnd, whom thy deere word may saue,
And thou thy self the purchast praises haue.
Sauiour, I know my sinnes shall haue discharge,
Where mercy with thy merits is so large.
With bloud more pretious than the worlds rich wealth,
Remember thou hast ransomd me from hell,
Cald me thine owne, thy sonne, thy sauing health,
Prouidedst me a place with thee to dwell,
A place which doth all pallaces excell:
Then let me not in deserts run at large,
But take me to thy safe protecting charge.
Frō foorth thy Temple thou didst banish theeues,


That Saints might praise thee where thou wast prophand,
And creatures liue ye on thy name beleeues,
I am thy temple, let it not be staynd,
For there too long hath cursed Sathan raynd.
Cast forth that tempter, giue the feend discharge,
Binde that old Serpent least he flye at large.
And when I finde that enemy is gone,
That soothes my soule with vile impiety,
Thy name oh Father) I will call vpon,
And keepe it from bould sinnes society,
And from false pleasures curst variety.
Then let thy spirit walke with my spirit at large,
And Lord lay not my sinnes vnto my charge.