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Poems Sacred And Satyricall

viz ... By Nathanael Richards

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Teares Triumph.

VVhat's Honour, Beauty, and the damaske skinne,
But Dirty drosse, ballanc'd with teares for sinne,
One trickling teare for sinne, gaines greater pleasure,
Then a whole Ocean of terrestriall treasure.
“Many can weepe, to counterfeits 'tis given,
“But to weepe truely, is the gift of Heav'n.
Mirrour of Truth, give me the sacred Raies
Of divine knowledge, so to spend my dayes
In sighes, teares, prayers, that my poore soule may,
Mount to thy glory, at my latter day.
“Happy the man, whose teares adorne the place
“Where he do's pray, that's the true signe of grace.
“Teares joyn'd with Prayers, are triumphant Twinnes,
“Soft waxe, hot Iron, to disburthen sinnes.


“Mingle thy Prayers with teares; teares soules refresh,
“Kills all the wanton Motions of the flesh,
“Teares humble Pride, makes chast insatiate lust,
Malice to Mercy turnes, turnes time unjust
“Detracting Envie into Noble pittie,
“Dull Drunkards to be temp'rate; heavenly witty.
“Converts base Avarice from the abuse,
“Of godlesse gaine, to charitable use,
“Teares, Phisicks Gluttony to live content
“With meane course fate; makes mortalls penitent.
“Teares lengthens yeares; to Man's last day teares give,
“Sufficient meanes conentedly to live,
God that beheld King Hezekiah's teares,
Prolong'd his dayes; added full fifteene yeares
Peter, that thrice denide his sacred Lord,
Teares gain'd his pardon without speaning word:
“O blessed Teares; teares that for sinne arise,
“Are glorious Pearles ith' Petitioners eyes.
Weepe for thy sinnes poore soule; 'tis Heav'ns advice,
Teares Orient Pourles, purchase Paradice.


Shall such Soule-pleading Pearles then I pray
Be flung to Swine? 'mong swine be cast away?
Resolve me thou whose conscience never felt
A teare for sinne; O let thy soule but melt
To penitent Pearles; then, then let it tell
The infinite difference, 'twixt Heav'n and Hell
With, and without those ravishing teares; the one
Feeles joy, free pardon; but the other none!
Vnpittied plagues attend the scornefull eye
Ne're wet for sinne; that's endlesse misery.
When on the adverse part, where soules bewaile
Their wretched frailty, God do's never faile
To send releife; frees them from all annoy,
“Who sowes in teares shall reape eternall joy.
Teares winnes the soule to God; (raises it up
From Earth to Heav'n) drinkes deepe of mercies Cup,
Applies health's Plaister to the firme sicke pulse,
“Teares with God, never suffer'd a repulse.
Wee never weepe, never devoutly cry,
Ne're drop a teare for sinne, but God stands by.


Puts all our Teares into his Bottle; looke
What saies the Psalmist? are they not in thy booke?
Thou tell'st my wand'rings (Lord) put thou my wares?
Into thy bottle; frustrate sinfull feares.
“Teares trembles Hell, pacifies Mortall strife,
“Blotts all our sinnes out of the booke of life,
Ile' cry, saies David, to the King of Kings,
Prevailing teares with God, performe all things.
God of the Spirits of all Flesh that can,
Rectifie soules; looke on me wretched man,
As Holy Paul ne'r ceased for three yeares,
Night and day constantly to warne with teares
The Elders of Miletum, (them to free
From Sathans subtile temptings) so let me,
Night and day (Lord) for ever, never cease
With teares, to warne, my warring flesh to peace.
“True teares winne Heaven, all impious thoughts controule
“Teares subdue Sinnes; make white the spotted soule,
“Perfumes the Body, mortifies leud sence,
“Calmes stormie cares, and prove the quintessence


“To all our quiet; no anguish, no contention
“Troubles true teares; want is ne'r thought upon
“Nor the worlds wide woe; where a blessed teare
“Is shed for sinne, it frights away all feare,
“Gently allayes Earths tempest's that arise
“Through times deceitfull riches; beauties Eyes,
Lachryma nunquam patitur repulsam.