University of Virginia Library

Grogram: I verily believe.
Bogram has no design to give
Offence to Traddle; but what's true,
In this case, 'twill give much ado,


To overpower the names against us,
Although we take the greatest pains t'us;
But let us do what can be done.
For instance, as to Washington,
Say his skill lies wholly in arms,
And care of his Virginia farms;
But nothing knows of state affairs,
No more than Buff'lo does of prayers;
And as to Franklin say he fails,
In judgment as his age prevails;
These hints will help the lame dog over
The stile and give us time moreover,
To breathe awhile; the worst o' the worst
Is but to be where were at first.
Thus having spoke all bow'd acclame
And seem'd to think the very same!