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L' Oiseau.

One-tim two piecee Flunsee walkee in Canton,
Look-see one piecee culio-shop—first-chop numpa one.
Chinaman he show 'um állo pukkha ting,
Birdee paint top-sidee plate—makee fly wit'h wing.
Flunsee look-see birdee—Flunsee talk “Oiseau;”
Chinaman he tinkee Flunsee ask “Why so?”
He no savvy Flunsee talk, so he makee tell
To 'um in he English—“Why so?—makee sell.”
By'mby on lacker-box all-same birdee playin',
Flunsee-man look-see it, talk “Oiseau” again.
Chinaman he hear-lo—tink he savvy well,
So talkee all-same pidgin, “Why so?—makee sell.”
Flunsee tinkee sartin he hab larnee word,
Talk he flin t'hat makisél be China for a bird.

Flunsee or Flansy, i. e., Flançais, a Frenchman. Also Falan-sai and Fat-lan-se.