University of Virginia Library



Come, beauteous fair, with gently winning smiles,
Dwell in my arms, and share my love;
Rolinda's smiles can sweeten all my toils;
And my esteem her joys improve.
With cheerful gladness come, enchanting fair;
My bosom is a seat for thee;
Come, thou shalt ever dwell securely there,
From anguish and from discord free.
In friendship shall our cordant hearts unite,
And all the sweets of love employ;
In pleasing parle we'll gather soft delight;
Sexes were formed for mutual joy.


While in familiar converse we engage,
The hours shall roll serene away;
Nor shall discordant passion ever rage,
Where Rollin and Rolinda stay.
But should our bosoms be depressed with grief,
The soothing balm we'll gently ply;
The balm of tenderness shall give relief,
And check the tear in sorrow's eye.
Cursed be the miscreant, who fain would wrong
Sweet innocence and virtue fair!
May he be branded with disgrace as long,
As female censure shall declare.
The wretch, so vile, shall have my lasting hate,
Shall be despised by all the good,
Be stigmatized forever by the great,
And stand contemned, as Cain once stood,


To guard ingenuous virtue from deceit,
Protect the innocent from harm,
Increase their joys, and make their bliss complete,
Shall with delight their bosom warm.
Reciprocal enjoyments sweeten toils,
And guileless ravishments impart;
Hence sweet Rolinda blesses me with smiles,
And in return receives my heart.