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The Southern harmony, and musical companion

containing a choice collection of tunes, hymns, psalms, odes, and anthems

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[As on the cross the Saviour hung]
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[As on the cross the Saviour hung]


The following poem is scored for music in the source text.

As on the cross the Saviour hung,
And wept, and bled, and died,
He pour'd salvation on a wretch,
That languish'd at his side.
His crimes with inward grief and shame,
The penitent confess'd;
Then turn'd his dying eyes to Christ,
And thus his prayer address'd:
‘Jesus, thou Son and heir of Heav'n!
Thou spotless Lamb of God!
I see thee bathed in sweat and tears,
And welt'ring in thy blood.
Yet quickly from these scenes of wo
In triumph thou shalt rise;
Burst thro' the gloomy shades of death,
And shine above the skies
“Amid the glories of that world,
Dear Saviour, think on me,
And in the victories of thy death,
Let me a sharer be.”
His prayer the dying Jesus hears,
And instantly replies,
To-day thy parting soul shall be
With me in Paradise.’