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When beauteous Adeline attunes her lyre,
Each poet-bosom thrills with genial fire,
The patriot passions with fond rapture glow
When freedom's charms in warbling music flow,
When Independence in her soaring strains,
Smiles o'er Collumbia's free and happy plains—
Soft was thy music, fair poetic maid,
Which sweetly sung in Beth'lem's lonely shade,
When Lehieghs stream receiv'd the plaintive song,
And still more mournful murm'ring flow'd along.
Oft has thy lyre in accents smooth and slow,
Tun'd in soft melody the tale of woe.


The flowing numbers told a maid distress'd,
And wafted sorrow to a stranger's breast,
Fair scenes of Nature in luxuriance rose,
And kindly smil'd on Adeline's repose;
But still their charms no soothing aid impart,
Still thoughtful sorrow damps thy feeling heart.
Thy odes inspiring lively ardour cheer,
Thy tender elegy demands a tear,
The lofty strain of Liberty is thine,
The soothing numbers of the sacred nine;
Accept sweet poetess what candor pays
In admiration of thy tuneful lays.