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Thoughts in Verse

A Volume of Poems

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May your shadow never grow less,
As the Irishman once remarked;
May you never know the want of a friend,
Nor be pushed out in the dark.
May your joy be bright as sunshine,
On a glorious summer day;
For slighted love may you ne'er repine,
Nor dearly for kindness pay.
May you ever be well dressed,
In calico, worsted or silk;
And may you ever be so blessed
As to shed no tears for spilt milk.
May your cup of joy run o'er;
And if you must give up,
Friendship or treasure to you dear,
In meekness accept the cup.


May all your plans succeed,
Especially if they're right;
And happiness ever be your meed,
Your pathway e'er be bright.
May you be free from tricks,
And a toast the Fenian gave—
May you live to eat the hen that picks
The grass upon your grave!