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The Singing Maiden, with Other Stories and Rhymes,

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F. W.

I knew the leaves of spring time
Would wither and decay,
And the golden grain of harvest,
Fall round the reaper's way.
I knew the flowers would perish,
The buds might blighted be;
But oh! I never dreamed love
That death could come to thee!
Thy smile was like the morning,
The dewy morn of May,
And thy coming brought the dawning
Of the full and perfect day.


Thou wert all light and gladness,
The wild bird singing free,
The sunlight and the waters,
Were typical of thee!
Alas! the summer leaves us
The water passes on,
The bird goes with the summer,
Like them thou too hast gone.
And yet, oh pitying Father
Still round my darkened way;
Through all the gloom, there lingers
One pure and hallowed ray,
I have an angel near me,
Whatever may betide,
A blessed loving angel
Forever at my side.
I will not murmur Father
Though long the way may be,
I know the angel leads me
With loving hand to Thee.