University of Virginia Library

Laudable Objective

Dear Sir:

I have been at this
university now for a little less
than three months and so my
observations might be limited
and may infer incorrect
conclusions. I have read the
different demands made by
students over the past semester
and find myself wondering if
these people realize what a
university is supposed to be.

The fight against expansion,
a very laudable objective,
centered around such things as
parking problems, inadequate
housing, long cafeteria lines,
and lack of adequate athletic
facilities. Now, during
elections, once again I read the
demands of students; this time
these are students who want to
represent the rest of the
student body and struggle for a
better university.

But I read that for them a
better university means no
quotas at basketball games,
better dormitories, and a stop
to expansion. As I wade
through all the rhetoric, I
wonder if anyone cares about
education. Isn't that the
primary goal of a university?
Or did the goals change
om where along the way and I
just miss it?

I did find something about
education: one of the
candidates in talking about
stopping expansion says he
wants to put a stop to
"cafeteria-type education." Is
that all the attention that the
primary goal of a university

As to the student activities
fee. I have not been able to
find anything besides athletic
events that it is good for. If the
students want a fan club for
their favorite team, the term
"university" is not a good
name for it.

Wojciech Komornicki
Grad 1