University of Virginia Library

Obstetrician's Statement

According to Mr. Connelly, the only
statement made by the Democratic leadership
since Mr. Brooks' release has been a statement
to the press by Dr. Herbert Jones, an
obstetrician and family friend.

Mr. Connelly stated that he is only asking
for a full disclosure of the facts surrounding Mr.
Smith's condition. "The public has the right to
know," Mr. Connelly asserted, "if a man is sick
and unable to serve, whether he is a Democrat
or a Republican."

Mr. Brooks said he felt that "a true report
had already been given" during Dr. Jones' press
conference. The Democratic leadership, Mr.
Brooks asserted, has "made every possible
effort to give the public the information to
which it was entitled." He stated that Dr. Jones
had given his opinion as a physician that Mr.
Smith was "in very good condition" and
"capable of holding the job."

A spokesman for WINA radio stated that
Mr. Smith's condition is listed a
"satisfactory" and that he is expected to be
released in a few days. The WINA spokesman
said that Mr. Smith is "still in the race." An
assistant in Mr. Smith's law firm stated that Mr.
Smith is "in the hospital" and is not expected
to return to the office this week.

Mr. Connelly asserted that the campaign
should be "based on issues, such as the
candidate's conviction records." He added that
he feels the Democratic party has the
responsibility to inform the public fully and
not to deal solely with "what the leadership
feels the public is entitled to know." He
continued that the public should "receive
nothing short of a full disclosure."

"It seems that the physician treating Mr.
Smith would be better qualified to answer
questions regarding his condition," Mr.
Connelly stated.