University of Virginia Library

Collier's Reply

"Your letter to Vice-President Shannon,"
Mr. Collier stated, "offers the hope that the
Future of the University Committee may
become the body that we have sought for a
year and a half: a single group charged with
investigating all aspects of growth and
expansion at the University.

"However," he continued, "your charge
must be read in conjunction with your
statement in the covering letter to me that the
'primary responsibility of the Future of the
University Committee is academic.' Thus, the
charge is susceptible to the interpretation that:
(1) the Committee's primary concern is
academic development opposed to physical
facilities and (2) Physical limitations will
continue to receive only secondary
consideration, both in the Future of the
University Committee and elsewhere.

"More specifically, you charge the
committee 'this year' to examine enrollment as
it relates to 'academic improvement' and
responsibilities to the Commonwealth.
Responsibilities to students regarding the
quality of their environment are 'also' to be
given some consideration."