University of Virginia Library

Two Categories

For the sake of argument,
assume that there are two major
categories of newspapers as
determined by their theories of
operation: First, the paper that
strives for and publishes with the
pretense of objectivity. This is the
guiding principle of most papers,
the CD and the Daily Progress
representing this view locally, with
varying elements of success.

Secondly, the paper which
maintains no pretense of
objectivity, but instead has openly
adopted a particular political,
economic or social position and
additionally relies heavily on
personal journalism, wherein the
author infuses his opinions with the
factual aspect of the story. The
Village Voice is the best known
paper of this type.

The present regulations as set
forth in the Board resolution, bar
the use of funds for publications or
organizations falling into the
second category. Consequently,
unorthodox, unpopular, highly
objectionable viewpoints and
opinions are unavailable, save for
the limited exposure given in the
traditional or establishment press.