University of Virginia Library

Complete Abolition

In a historic first, five Senators have called
for a complete abolition of the Selective Service
System on December 31, 1971.

What remains is the key question. When will
it happen? The Administration says the draft
should be extended until July 1, 1973.
However, according to Representative Bella
Abzug of New York, this "means in all
probability never to take action."

Reasons for the opposition to the draft are
varied. Some see conscription as undemocratic
and immoral, as opposed to America's historical
traditions, as unfair to the nation's youth.
Others feel that draft repeal is one of the few
effective ways to reassert Congressional control
over war-making that there is no possible
way to reform an inherently unequal system.

Support has also been gathered for a one
year extension by those favoring a compromise
or a Gates Commission transition period. Such
an extension would terminate in the midst of
preparation for the 1972 Presidential elections,
a good time in the view of draft opponents.