University of Virginia Library

Keep Up Fight

Mr. Barrett further explained that such
provisions rested mainly in the hands of the
Legislature and the State Board of Higher
Education, but that there is no reason to stop
the fight when new facilities are sorely needed
when the student body, faculty, administration,
and Board of Visitors can join to inform these
groups of the University's needs. The next
session of the Legislature to consider such
measures will be in January of 1972.

"Plans for addition of a new "West Wing" to
the library have begun," states Mr. Barrett,"
but we've got to have the capital in order to
begin construction. There are also provisions
for an undergraduate library in Clark Hall as
soon as the Law School moves to Copeley Hill.

With the University's present expansion rate
we'll need every available space for new library
facilities. Ray W. Frantz (University Librarian)
and Kenneth G. Peterson (Assoc. Librarian)
have done an amazing job with conditions as
they are, but its only a matter of time until the
library will be in trouble if we are to maintain
the standards a University should strive to