University of Virginia Library

Revolution On The Cable

If your wildest fantasies of
Cablevision never broke through
the haze of "The Wild, Wild West,"
Metromedia and those weird pan
shots of weather gauges and
sweeping dial hands, then
Wednesday night at 7:30 might be
an excellent time to turn on and

Columbia Records has produced
a documentary film- distilled from
a four-hour promotional
extravaganza- which features top
acts like Chicago and Santana
captured at their livest, and
Jefferson Cable will air the film in
color twice this week. A second run
will come off Friday night at the
same time.

Featuring others like the New
York Rock and Roll Ensemble,
Atilla, Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan,
the film includes rapping by
members of the groups on the
meaning of rock music.

Quoth one Chicagoan, "Music is
what's happening in the street, and
what's happening in the street is
revolution." As Chicago pounds
away, one is instantly removed to
the streets of Daley's own Chicago,
where the battle of the Democratic
Convention rages, and back again to
other sounds.

Johnny Winter: "Music is what
makes you happy."

So if you want to be happy, try
Channel 11 tomorrow and/or Friday
night at 7:30. Those fantasies might
never be the same.


Santana And Friends To Rock On Channel 11