University of Virginia Library

Recent Complaints

At all other times the gym is reserved for
either physical education classes or for IM
games. This present schedule will probably
continue until spring.

The recent complaints over the use of
Memorial Gym only dramatize the lack of
recreation facilities that the University provides
for its University Athletics, said yesterday. "We
could use another Memorial Gym right now."

During the semester break Memorial Gym
was closed so that the floor could be refinished.
Because so many students stayed in town and
wanted to use recreational facilities, the athletic
department broke with their usual rules and
allowed students to use University Hall.

It is unlikely that this practice will become
commonplace because of several difficulties
outlined by Mr. Corrigan. He pointed out that
University Hall does not have adequate dressing
facilities, and also that the building is rented
often by University and outside groups making
the scheduling of times for student use