University of Virginia Library


We're the losers, we're the losers,
And we're not what we appeared to be.
For all the loot we picked up on the way,
What have we left to console us today?
We were a group in a million, my friend,
Who could have known we would lose in the end?
We're the losers, and we've lost something that's dear to us,
We're the losers, and it's only now made clear to us.
Although we laugh and we act like a clown,
Beneath this mask, we are wearing a frown.
Our shares are falling like rain from the sky.
Is it for them or ourselves that we cry?
We're the losers, and we've lost something that's dear to us,
We're the losers, and the shareholders all fear for us.
What did we do to deserve such a fate?
Served up ourselves to the world on a plate.
Became a piece of Financial Times chat,
And there was nowhere to go after that.
We're the losers, and we've lost something that's dear to us,
We're the losers, and you've heard the last you'll hear from us.