University of Virginia Library

Main Fault

The main fault for all this is
husband Richard Benjamin who is
"a brilliant Harvard lawyer," and he
knows it. Unfortunately, he longs
to be one of the elite in society,
which means continual partying,
drinking the right wines, wearing
the right clothes, and being in the
right apartment. On top of this,
there appears to be a nightly urge
to "take a ill' roll in de hay" with

If a life like the above, in
addition to having two bratty kids
and a poodle, would lead to
madness, then Tina should be called
so. Into this nice structure comes a
writer who develops an
uncontrollable desire for Tina.
Played by Frank Langella, the
writer is persistent and finally Tina
gives in. It is the beginning of the
end for her, and her marriage.