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One-Day Showing

The galleries send more than
400 exhibitions to art centers,
museums and colleges all over the
country. The showings last for one
day in each locality. The Roten
graphics collection is one of the
largest touring the country.

The exhibition is all originals,
with prices as modest as $5 and as
immodest as $5000. According to
the galleries, by pricing most of the
paintings under $100, they are able
to introduce to young people the
joys of collecting.

The Roten Galleries collection
of original graphics includes a broad
range of artistic styles and
personalities. Included are
manuscripts, incunabula, as well as
works by Durer, Rembrandt,
Piranesi, Goya, Daumier, Renoir,
Picasso, Chagall, Baskin, Peterdi,
and Rauschenberg.