University of Virginia Library

Behind Scenes
Party Formed

After a quarter of a century of
dormancy, The Hackensack
Society of the University has been
revived. Initially evolving on February
20, 1940 with the installation
of Robert E. Runyon as
Big Chief Hackensack, the society
enjoyed several years of success
and was the party behind several
accomplishments. But during the
war years it fell into stagnation
and was not revived until this
past semester break when Judge
Runyon swore in fourth-year student
Bob Sterling as Big Chief
Hackensack and assigned him the
task of forming a new society on
the Grounds.

The charter members of the
society are Bob Sterling, Paul
Larsen, Ken Spisso, Dick Kreutzer,
Tim Davis, Terry Birkel, Bob
Bressan, Guy Sterling, and W. O.
Cochran. Associate Members
are Bill Stone and Chuck Hammer.

The purposes of the Hackensack
Society are to promote the general
ideals of the University and it
holds as its highest goals the
amelioration of certain aspects of
University life.

A sister organization has already
been formed at Sweet Briar under
the name of the Hackensack
Honeys. It is composed of girls
who share the Hackensack secret
ideals. There will be a Hackensack
Society formed at every girls
school within the immediate area.

Judge Runyon's daughter,
Abby, is also forming a Hackensack
Honeys Society at Green
Mountain College in Vermont. Although
the general ideals of the
society are secret, it is felt that
the accomplishments will become