University of Virginia Library

Few Southern Students

Not only are fewer professors
from the South but in recent
years fewer students have
come from the South, he said.
Dean Woody said that when he
was on the admissions board the
University drew heavily from the

He made it clear that was
not criticizing the fact there are
few professors and students from
the South but that he simply
wanted to make an observation.
However, the dean said that he
hoped that in the future there
would be "more men from the

"I wish some of the fraternity
traditions would change." Mr.
Woody went on to discuss fraternities
saying that the problems
involving them were tremendous
and that making houses "respectable"
was the greatest problem.
He criticized both the loud
music and rowdiness.

Concerning the music Mr.
Woody said that if all the fraternities
agreed to have hi-fi's instead
of combos the same effect
could be gotten.