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The President stated that various programs such as group life insurance, group hospital and medical
insurance, disability plans, and retirement income plans, authorized by the Board of Visitors for
administrative officers and professors, call for payments by the individuals concerned in addition to
such sums as may be provided from University funds. From time to time alumni groups, foundations,
and others desire to make contributions of funds to the University to cover all or a portion of the
payments required so that such programs may to the extent of such contributions be provided without
cost to all or some of the administrative officers or professors

The President recommended that his authority to receive such contributions from time to time and
to apply them and other University funds for the purposes indicated be ratified, confirmed, and
approved. Therefore, the following resolution was adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the President be and he is hereby authorized to receive as contributions to the University such funds
as may be offered from time to time by alumni groups, foundations, and others for the purpose of
providing for all or a portion of the cost of programs such as group life insurance, group hospital
and medical insurance, disability programs, and retirement income plans for all or certain administrative
officers and professors of every grade,

RESOLVED FURTHER that the President be and he is hereby authorized to expend University funds
including such contributions to provide these and similar programs, with the result that such programs
are modified and become available to the individual involved in whole or in part without cost and on
the basis of the University, as employer, paying the whole or any part of the cost of such programs, and

RESOLVED FURTHER that any such expenditure of University funds by the President whether on, before,
or after the date of this resolution is hereby ratified, confirmed, and approved