University of Virginia Library


Dr. Emmett, on behalf of the Medical Committee, reported that he and President Darden
had met with a specially appointed committee of the Medical Faculty looking for a replacement for
Dr. Lippard. At the present time, the committee has three candidates under consideration. The
question has come up as to what salary can be offered the dean. A study of salaries of deans of
medical schools shows that the average pay is $15,000. Dr. Emmett stated that he realizes that it
is difficult to secure a salary of this size from State appropriations but that he feels we could
not secure a well qualified man for the position unless we can pay a minimum of $15,000.

Dr. Emmett recommended that we continue to pay $12,000 from State appropriation and utilize
one of the following two sources: funds received from the National Committee for Medical Education;
and/or, income of the Fluid Research Fund.

Mr. Gay inquired if it would be wise to pay the dean from the Fluid Research Fund as
this money is derived from the earnings of clinicians.

Dr. Emmett said that he had discussed this matter with Dean Lippard and that Dean Lippard
felt that it would be satisfactory to do so if the matter were agreed upon prior to the selection
of a new dean. A resolution was adopted authorizing the President to pay $15,000 for a new dean,
of which $3,000 is to be paid from funds received from the National Committee for Medical Education,
and/or, the Fluid Research Fund, should the first source not prove sufficient.

President Darden pointed out that it was quite possible that a successor might be found
during the summer months and he should like to be in a position to offer the deanship should the
right person be found. Whereupon a resolution was adopted empowering the Executive Committee to
approve the appointment of a new dean of the Medical School upon the recommendation of the President.


The President stated that at the time the revised plan of compensation for clinicians was
adopted, it was proposed to increase the salary of the dean to $15,000 and that he had authorized
payment of an additional $3,000 to Dean Lippard from funds received from the National Committee of
Medical Education.