University of Virginia Library

Improves Communication

The need for improved
communication between the
residential governmental
organizations of each dorm and
the residential staff is a
foremost concern of Miss
Leatherbury. "We want
students to have a bigger say in
the Upperclass program."

As chairman of the
program, Miss Leatherbury also
plans to keep in close contact
with the executive cabinet,
composed of the chairmen of
dormitory government

Reforming the Judiciary
Committee and keeping the
Glass Hat open for longer
hours are among her other

The selection process for
Counseling Program Chairman
is initiated by
recommendations from the
Upperclass executive
committee to the Committee
on Residential Staff.

The latter, consisting of the
deans of student affairs, the
director of housing, faculty
deans and the chairmen of the
first year and upperclass
counseling programs, conducts
interviews and makes the final

According to Mr. Zablow,
one of the first obligations of
the new chairman will be to
organize the new orientation
for next year's counselors who
are being selected now