University of Virginia Library

Honor Violations

According to Honor
Committee Chairman Gordon
Peerman, any student who
submits such a term paper in a
class is committing a violation
of the Honor Code.

"The Honor Committee
interprets a student's turning in
of a paper produced by
someone other than himself as
cheating," said Mr. Peerman.

After admitting to Michael
Leech, Program Director of
WTJU radio, that he was aware
that student use of the
company's papers was in
violation of the University's
Honor System, a Term Paper
Research spokesman explained
how his firm's operation

"Our official policy is that
we sell the papers as research
tools," the spokesman said.
"What the student does with
the paper after he receives it is
his own responsibility."

The mailing is not the first
attempt of such term paper
firms to advertise in
Charlottesville. Last spring, an
ad for one of these firms was
run in the Daily Progress; it
was, however, discontinued at
the request of the Honor