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Original Functions Returned
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Original Functions Returned

In addition, the graceful,
double columns of the past,
obliterated by Mr. White in
favor of massive, singular ones,
will be restored.

The ground floors will be
redone in their original sizes
and proportions and the three
Oval Rooms removed by Mr.
White will be returned.

With the re-institution of the
Oval Rooms, the Dome Room
will again possess its intended
proportions and will serve
several functions.

It will be used as a museum
of University history and a
portrait gallery, containing
paintings of Rectors and
Presidents of the University
which have previously been
kept in storage.

The Dome Room will
contain a working fireplace and
will be utilized for social
functions, as intended by Mr.

It was here that the
University founder entertained
the Marquis de Lafayette in