University of Virginia Library


A. Academic requirements:

I. Secondary credits:

(a) Graduation from an accredited high school, or—

(b) The completion of sixteen units of secondary work in an institution
recognized by the State Department as having equivalent

II. College credits:

(a) Prerequisite for college credits is completion of secondary
work in each subject for which college credit is asked, and—

(b) Six college session hours in each subject on which credit is
sought, or—

(c) Equivalent courses in summer schools which offer courses
for college credit. Such courses must be equivalent to five college
session hours with the addition of one college hour in education.

B. Professional requirements:

I. Seven months' teaching experience.

II. A course in education equivalent to one college session hour.

III. Qualifying certificate in preventive medicine and physical examination
of school children from the State Board of Education.

C. Courses for Summer School Credit:

I. Thirty hours in educational theory must be added to each course
to complete requirements for certificate.

II. Laboratory periods can only count for one-half credit. Courses
in Commercial Branches, Home Economics, Manual Arts, Music,
Physical Education and Science must have at least forty per cent
of course in laboratory work.

The certificate and other credentials which entitle the applicant
to enter upon and pursue the course of study herein outlined must
be presented to and approved by the director of the summer school
before the applicant can be registered and admitted to classes.

This certificate entitles the holder to teach only the high school
branches named in the certificate.

General Requirements.—The courses prescribed in any of the
branches hereinafter stated for the Summer School Special Certificate—For
High School Grades, must embrace no work unless
it be of College Grade, requiring minimum recitation periods of sixty
minutes each. These courses must be taken in a summer school at
a registered college or university and must be completed within a
period of three years from the date of beginning. This certificate


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shall continue in force for seven years, and may be renewed for a
similar period from time to time.

The following "Content Table" gives the number of hours or recitation
periods required in each branch, and in addition thereto the
applicant must complete a course of thirty hours in Education.