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[Happy day of His returning]

Happy day of His returning,
Day with no succeeding night,
Period of our pain and mourning,
Blaze of uncreated Light,
When shall we Thy glories see,
Live the life of heaven in Thee!
Pains and griefs—we soon shall lose 'em
In the presence of our Lord,
Sink on the Redeemer's bosom,
Find in Him our full reward,
Mightily, supremely bless'd,
Lull'd to everlasting rest.


Joyous hope our sorrows cheering,
Exiles sad while here we stay!
Jesus by His last appearing
Comes to wipe our tears away,
Comes to claim His ready bride,
Comes to seat us at His side.
Haste, Thou God of our salvation,
Whom by faith in part we know,
Show Thyself the consummation
Of our bliss begun below,
All our happiness above,
Swallow up our souls in love.