University of Virginia Library


Did they wink? did they nudge? enjoyin' the spree?
Certainly, most certainly!
And sometimes he'd be lookin' very black at them;
And sometimes, d'ye know! he'd be laughin' back at them—
Actyall! yes! he wud, he wud!
Dhrunk? No—the pison in his blood;
Or— I don't know; but in general,
He wasn' takin' no notice at all;
But just like a body in a dhrame,
As sweet as sugar, and as soft as crame.
I believe in my sowl then—honour bright!—
The man was thinkin' he was all right.
Sometimes? Yes; and weeks at a time—
Lek nothin' in the world could annoy 'm;
Just azackly as if he was livin'
In another world, saved and forgiven,
With other loss and other gain,
With another Nelly and another Cain.