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Matin Bells and Scarlet and Gold

By "F. Harald Williams"[i.e. F. W. O. Ward]. First Edition

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Being beyond all names, blessed, benign,
Throned above frosts and flames looming malign;
Health of us, Heart of us, living only by greatness of giving;
Fount of the universe breath,
Passion and joy, treasure or toy,
By a perpetual death!
Riding on thunder, tracing in straws—
Stars cleft asunder, goodness and laws;
Ever expressing mercy and might,
Ever caressing worlds with fresh light.
Many the honours fair carried by fire and air,
Unto Thy shrine;
Yet would I trembling rather
Worship Thee but as Father,
Dearest and mine,
Dreadful, Divine.
Worlds are Thy garments worn thus for an age,
Ere with new vesture morn brings a new stage.


Mystical, terrible, flowing on through a measureless growing
Forth from original Night,
Into broad runs, systems and suns,
Scattering orbs in Thy flight.
Kindness and terror guard Thee and guide
Safe from all error, far above pride.
Judgment and pity compass Thee round,
Leaving the city holier ground,
Making the country sweet just with Thy passing feet,
Until they shine.
Yet do I boldly gather
Out of all titles, Father,
Richest of Thine,
Gentle, Divine.