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The Grecian Story

Being an Historical Poem, in Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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Well, (said the King) since now dispos'd for th' Action,
Grand Patience prov'd, make Amorous Satisfaction.


This earnest take for all (Box open there)
Choice Diamond Ring, since the hand did baer appear,
Thrust on her Finger strait; seal'd Kisses then
Rouz'd from deep thoughts, the fair Mardiva when
These words conjoyn'd. Great Sir, my Mother may
Want me ere long, through some regards this day;
Will guess that I am here: She's Passionate,
May wrong your full content in Bed, create
Disturbance strange; asking your Royal leave,
I shall step down door lock'd, the Key receive
With mine own hand; maid charg'd to answer none
(As Folks abroad) for staying till night unknown.
Her Hood and Gloves dropt on the Board howere,
Like gentle Pawn for th' handsom Person there.
Walk'd nimbly forth, so down the stairs withal;
The Maid below did in their hearing call:
Being come to th' Door, Your Mistriss tell (said she)
I could not stay: went forth most hastily.
For thus it was; Pure, Chast, Mardiva prov'd,
Till saw the King to Roughness, Anger mov'd;
Talk'd (lastly) of Hate; then seem'd to cloze, comply;
Plain Forcing fear'd, those two Assistants by
(Faint Virgin-heart) this way resolv'd upon
For her Escape; felt wrack till she was gon.