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Pelegrims þat were in þe see to seint Nicholas to wende
For godnisse þat hi of him ihurde if God hem wolde þider sende
In forme of a fair womman þe deuel hem com to
Louerdlinges heo seide wel is ȝou þat ȝe mowe ȝoure wille do
For to siche þis holi man þat so milceful is & hende


Leouere me were þan eni þing miȝte ich wiþ ȝou wende
For noþing y ne wilny more þan þan holi man to seo
Ac doþ for me a lutel þing whan hit nemai non oþer beo
Nymeþ her þis gode oignement þat precious is mid alle
& whan ȝe comeþ to his churche smyrieþ þerwiþ eche walle
To onure þis gode man þat is of so gret pouste
& y nemai to him come doþ þat in munde of me
Þis pelegrims mid gode hurte þat oignement to hem nome
To smyrie wiþ þis holi churche whan hi þuder come
As hi wende forþ in þe see sone hit gan bifalle
Þat þer com to hem a swiþe fair schip wiþ noble meyne mid alle
A bischop þer was among hem swiþe fair man & hende
He grette hem faire & eschte anon whower hi wolde wende
Hi seide þat hi þoȝte wende if hit Godes wille were
To þe cite of Mirre to þe holi bischop þere
Ho was quaþ þe bischop þe womman þat ȝou com to
What was þat heo tok ȝou & what scholde ȝe þerwiþ do
Sire hit is an oignement þis pelegri[m]s sede
Þat þe gode womman ous bad to þe holi bischop lede
Þerwiþ in munde of hire whan hit were þider ibroȝt
Smyrie þe holi churche wowes þat we ne bileuede hit noȝt
Ȝe ȝe quaþ þis holi man ȝe nute noȝt what was heo
Schowieþ me þe oignement & ȝe schulle somdel iseo
Þis gode man þis oignement amidde þe see caste
Þe water bigan to berne anon aȝen his cunde faste
Fram stede to stede þat fur orn & þat water brende also
[Nou luþer þrift on hire heued: þat þis oygnement ȝou broȝte to]
Þe liþere deuel of helle hit was he seide þat hit tok ȝou wiþ honde


Forto berne þulke churche for he haþ þerto onde
Þe bischop wende forþ anon þurf oure Louerdes sonde
Þe pelegrims rue þe nexte wei so þat hi come to londe
To seint Nicholas hi wende anon þat hi so wide soȝte
Anon þo hi seȝe þis gode man hi stode in grete þoȝte
Hem þoȝte þat hit was þe bischop þat in to þe see com
Þat schowede hem þe oignemen & þe swikedom
Louerd hi seide nou þin ore more is þi poer
Þat we seȝe in þe see er we come her
Hi herede moche þis holi man as hit wel riȝt was
Me þinȝþ þis is a fair miracle of seint Nicholas
Fairere miracles an vrþe her me neschal noȝt fynde iwrite
Þan me mai of seint Nicholas ho so hit wolde wite
Liþere men werrede in a tyme þemperour of Rome
& destruyde his londes faste & bataille aȝen him nome
Þemperour nom þe grete men & oþere menion
To wende wiþ gret poer to werre aȝen his fon
Þis þreo princes wiþ here men in þe see forþ wende
To fiȝte aȝen here wiþerewynes as þe emperour hem sende
So þat here schipes droue as hit were bi cas
To þe contrai of Mirre as þis bischop was
Þe bischop ihurde of hem telle he wende aȝen hem sone
& bad hem come & ete mid him & hi grantede his bone
Þis gode man for hi nescholde robberi non do
He makede hem swiþe wel at ese & god semblant also
So þat þurf þis holi man hi & here fon
Wiþoute dunt oþer blod ischad acorded were anon
& al to þemperoures gode & his onur also
Þis þreo maistres hamward wende þo þis dede was ido
Hi come & tolde þemperour hou hi hadde on itake
Þemperour was þo wel apaid & gret ioye to hem gan make
Here liþere felawes come sone & hadde þerto enuie
& seide hi hadde þemperour ido gret trecherie
& fol pays ymaked wiþ his fon & mid gret felonie


& in diserteisoun of þemperour hi gonne vpe him þuslie
Þemperour in grete wraþþe let hem nyme faste
& faste bounde alle þreo & in stronge prisoun hem caste
So faste were þis liþere men vpe þis maistres þreo
Þat þemperour swor hi oþ aslawe scholden hi beo
Alle his knyȝtes he let somni þat hi amorwe come
Þis þreo seli men to bringe to deþe þurf his dome
Þo þis teþinge was ibroȝt to þis prisouns þreo
Hi wope & cride dulfulliche þat reuþe hit was to seo
Louerd hi seide Nicholas fram wham wel glade we ȝeode
& as wis as we gulteles beoþ help ous at oure neode
A niȝt as þemperour lai as louerd & sire
In his paleis þat was so strong ibarred al wiþ ire
To him bifore his bed riȝt seint Nicholas com
What þenchestou he seide emperour wiþ þi false dom
Whi hauestou gultelese men in þi prisoun ibrouȝt
& þenchest hem sle gulteles wiþdraȝ he seide þi þoȝt
And let hem out of prisoun go & bring hem out of bende
Oþer ich wole mi Louerd bidde þat he schal þe schende
What ertou quaþ þemperour & of which pouste
Þat in such tyme þerst her come in mi paleys to me
Such bolde wordes to speke wonder me þinȝþ of þe
Ich am quaþ seint Nicholas bischop of Mirre
Seint Nicholas wende also to þe Iustise
In þe paleys biside as he lai & makede him sumdel agrise
Þu witles wrecche he seide what hastou iþoȝt
Þat redest þat þis gode men gulteles to deþe beo ibroȝt
Wiþdraȝ þi red ich rede anon oþer þu schalt an vrþe fordwyne
& beo destruyd & al þi god & deye in stronge pyne
Whar ertou þis oþer seide þat spext wordes so grete
Þat þemperoures heȝe Iustise þerst þrete


Ich am he seide Nicholas þe bischop of Mirre
Bote þu wiþdrawe þi red sone þu schalt ileoue me
Þemperour lai & quakede & sende after his Iustise
Þat adrad was as sore as he & quaked in his wise
Aiþer tolde oþer fore hou he to him sende
& bad hem leue here folie & hasteliche amende
& þretnede hem baldeliche wherfore hi were in drede
& forto schulde him fram his wraþþe anoþer hi moste rede
Þe prisouns hi lete nyme vp & sone bifore hem lede
Þis seli men were sore adrad hi wende sone beo dede
To þe bischop Nicholas reuliche hi gonne grede
& bede him wiþ god entente hem to helpe & rede
Beaus amis quaþ þemperour what maner men beo ȝe
Þat þus mid ȝoure enchantementȝ anyȝt derieþ me
A sire merci quaþ þis oþere whi wole ȝe sigge so
We necouþe neuere of such þing vpe God we woleþ hit do
Ac gultelese men we beoþ & gulteles her ibroȝt
As wis God schulde ous fram þe deþ as we nebeoþ gulti noȝt
Iknowe ȝe eni man he seide þat hatte Nicholas
Þer nas non of hem þat wiþ þis word in gret hope nas
Here honden hi hulde vp anheȝ & loude cride & gradde
To þe bischop Nicholas þat he reuþe of hem hadde
Þurf him quaþ þis emperour to lyue ȝe beoþ ido
Ich ȝou ȝyue lyf & lyme & ȝoure chateaux also
To him wendeþ hasteliche & telleþ him wel blyue
Hou þat ich for loue of him lete ȝou go a lyue
Þe prisouns wende wiþ glade hurte to þe bischop Nicholas
& þonkede him as hi wel auȝte of þis ioyful cas
Þo oure Louerdes wille was þat he scholde hunne wende
Oure Louerd he bad þat he scholde sum angles him sende
Þo he seȝ angles come oure Louerd he þonkede faste
Þe þretteþe saume of þe sauter he bigan atte laste
Louerd on þe ich haue ihoped þat y ne confunded beo


Bouȝ adoun þyn ere & delyure me
He deide atte sixte vers þat an Englisch to sigge is
Ich take mi soule in þin hond þu bouȝtest me Louerd iwis
Þe soule mid þulke word þangles forþ bere
Al þe cumpaignye of heuene wel glad þerwiþ were
He deide þreo hondred ȝer & in þe þreo & fourteoþe ȝere
After þat God an vrþe com as þe boc ous doþ lere
In a tumbe of marbre he was ileid swiþe fair mid alle
Oelle out of þe harde marbre anon þer gan walle
Sike men þer gonne sone þicke þider wende
& smyreden hem þer wiþ & hole were attan ende
In a tyme a Cristene man to a Gyw ȝeode
Forto borwi gold of him in his mochele neode
He nemiȝte fynde nanne borȝ ne wed nadde he non
Þe Gyw to seint Nicholas churche wiþ him he bad gon
Vpe seint Nicholas he swor at a certeyn day
So helpe him God & seint Nicholas as god forto pay
Þe Gyw for seint Nicholas loue þis oþ noȝt forsok
Ac seint Nicholas to borwe nom & þis gold him tok
Ac þis liþere Cristene man þo hit com to his daye
Þis gold nolde ȝulde noȝt ac þoȝte þis Gyw bitraye
Þe Gyw com & eschte whan he hit ȝulde wolde
Þu false schrewe quaþ þis oþer nabbe ich hit iȝulde
Þe Gyw seide nai & he ȝus & al hit was for noȝt
Þe Gyw him let somni þat he was to court ibroȝt
Ac þis liþere Cristene man þoȝte of false enginne
His staf he nom on his hond al iholed wiþinne
Þerinne he dude al þat gold þat he scholde þe Gyw ȝulde
& sleȝliche hit dutte þat me nescholde hit bymelde
Bifore þe baillif hi were ibroȝt þe Gyw & he boþe
He forsoc þe Gywes dette & was ido to his oþe
Þo he scholde his oþ do he leide his hond vpon þe bok
Þe Gyw þe while for to holde his staf he bitok


As moche gold as ich borwede of þe Gyw þat her is
So helpe me God & seint Nicholas ich tok him iwis
Þis liþere man mid his false oþ wel ileoued was
& þis oþer for he was a Gyw noþing ileoued nas
& þu me hast bigyled quaþ þe Gyw mid þi false cas
Ich chargi þi borȝ þat he ȝulde þi louerd seint Nicholas
Þe Gyw wiþ wel sori chere wende forþ anon
Þe false man nom his staf & hamward gan gon
As he ȝeode hamward bi þe wei to slepe he hadde gode wille
As tuei weyes togadere come adoun he lai wel stille
As he slep þis false man a cart þer com gon
& tobrusede his false bones þat he deide anon
Þat o whel todaschte al his staf as meni man isay
Þat gold schadde out al abrod & amidde þe weye lay
Þe Gyw þo he þis iseȝ loude he gan to crie
& þonkede seint Nicholas þat schewede his tricherie
For þe miracle men him radde Cristene forto beo
Certes ynelle quaþ þis oþer er ich more iseo
Ac if God & seint Nicholas wolde þis liþer manes lyf sende
Cristene ich wolde þanne beo & serui hem to mi lyues ende
Fram deþe to lyue þis false man þurf seint Nicholas com
Anon so þe Gyw þis iseȝ he wilnede Cristendom
& bileouede on Iesu Crist & god man euereft was
Þis me þinȝþ a fair miracle of seint Nicholas
Her ȝe seoþ hou hit goþ bi men þat wiþ gyle swerieþ iwis
Þeȝ he þurf gyle swerie soþ iwis forswore he is
A god man þer was in a tyme þat longe was mid his wyue
Þat no child nemiȝte habbe þat euere cam to lyue
To seint Nicholas ofte hi bede a child hem to sende
& bihete him if hit so were to him forto wende


Seint Nicholas ihurde here bone for god he is & mylde
Hit biful þerafter sone þat his wyf was mid chylde
& brouȝte forþ a faire sone glad þis gode man was
He let ȝarki a fair coupe to seint Nicholas
So faire was þe coupe of golde þo heo was ȝaru iwrouȝt
& þis hosebonde heo was so leof þat he nolde leue hire noȝt
Ac athuld hire in his owe hous him silue þerof to drinke
Anoþer to seint Nicholas þe goldsmyth he let biswinke
Þo þe coupe was ymaked to þe louerd seint Nicholas
He wiste hire wiþ gret drueri ac þoþer fairere was
Þo his sone was wel iwexe & hadde strenȝþe & miȝte
To þe pelgrimage of seint Nicholas þis gode man him diȝte
& nom wiþ him his leoue sone & þe coupen beye
Þe furste þat him was so leof to serui him bi þe weye
Þoþer to ofri seint Nicholas whan hi þider come
Hi greiþede hem a Godes name & þe holi wei hi nome
So þat hi come in þe see as hi þane wei wende
After water of þe see þis gode man his sone sende
Fech me he seide of þe water in myn owene coupe
Þat child dude his fader heste & to þe water gan stoupe
Þe coupe ful out of his hond & anon to grounde sonk
Þe child ful in afterward & in þe water adronk
Gret deol makede þis gode man þo he seȝ þis cas
Þat he nadde bote þat o child & he adronke was
Awei he seide þis dai abide leoue Louerd allas
Wel ich wot ich haue agult þe louerd seint Nicholas
Þat ich bynom him þe furste coupe Louerd what schal ich do
Þerfore ich habbe ilore nou mi child & þe coupe also
Seint Nicholas forȝif hit me & ynelle noȝt bileue iwis
Þat ynelle siche þe þeȝ me beo bifalle þis
Þis gode man wende forþ in deol & sori þoȝt
Er he to seint Nicholas com he neturnde aȝe noȝt
Þo he to þe weued com þat he hadde wide isoȝt


Þe coupe he offrede þerto þat he hadde þider ibroȝt
Þe coupe hipte anon aȝe he nolde astinte þere
Ac hipte into þe flor wreche as þeȝ hit were
Þis gode man hire nom vp & offrede hire eft þere
Eftsone heo hipte fram þe weued forþere þan heo dude ere
Þo was þis gode man agrise & þoþere aboute also
Louerd he seide seint Nicholas [] ich haue þe moche misdo
Ich wolde offri þoþer coupe ac y nemai þerto come
Vnderfong þus if hit beo þi wille for þoþer me is bynome
Vnderfong þoþer of mi sone for þu wost wher he is
Let mi sone to þe offri þulke & let me offri þis
For no hope of his sones lyf þe gode man þis nesede
Ac for he scholde his soule helpe & þe whatlokere do what he bede
Mid þis word þer com in his sone þat was adronke
& bar þe coupe on his hond þat was mid him asonke
To þe weued he ȝeode & offrede to seint Nicholas
Wele Louerd þe grete ioye þat of þe miracle was
Gladliche þe fader & þe sone here offring vp bere
& wende hom wiþ grete ioye & leuede þe coupen þere
& herede moche seint Nicholas as hi wel auȝte iwis
Meni is þe faire miracle þat of seint Nicholas is
A Gyw was while in a tyme þat ihurde meni o tale
Of þe miracles of seint Nicholas þat he dude so fale
So þeȝ he were a Gyw vpe him his hurte he caste
& honurede him ynouȝ & biþoȝte him atte laste
An ymage priueiliche he makede of seint Nicholas
& honurede hit in his hous þo hit ȝare was
In a tyme hit biful þat he hadde to done
In þe contrai þeraboute to come aȝe wel sone
He nuste wham his god bitake forte he aȝe come
Seint Nicholas ymage he bad nyme þerto gode gome
Ich þe habbe he seide iloued ynouȝ do me some god þerfore
Wite mi god forte ich come þat hit ne beo forlore
For bi seint Nicholas þat ich louie if hit beo awei ibore


Whan ich come aȝe þu schalt sore abigge þerfore
Þe Gyw wende forþ his wei & tok al his god to wite
Þe ymage forte he come aȝe as hit is iwrite
Siþþe hit biful þat liþere men & þeoues þer come
& breke þis Gywes hous & his god awei nome
Þo þe Gyw com hom aȝe & miste al his god
Deol & sorewe he makede ynouȝ & furde as he were wod
To þe ymage he wende anon as heo bi þe walle stod
What he seide hastou ido þu settest þin harm abrod
Ich toc þe to wite al þe god þat God lente me
Nou hit is ibore awei & al ich hit wite þe
Whan ich triste so moche to þe [& þu nost do my bone]
Bi riȝte lawe as ich bihet þe þu schalt abugge sone
Whan þu ȝolde mi godhede so vuele atte laste
Harde scourgen he nom & þis ymage beot faste
Þat grete pieces wende awei he furde as he were wod
& euere he bad þe seli treo ȝulde hom his god
Seint Nicholas þerafter sone to þe þeues wende
& al towonded & al todrawe as þe Gyw þe ymage rende
To soþe ich sigge ȝe schulle honge bote ȝe hit aȝen lede
For ȝe schulle sum mid me abugge ȝoure misdede
Þo were þe þeoues sore adrad hi nome sone to rede
And brouȝte aȝe þe Gywes god hi neþerfte noȝt elles for drede
& were iknowe of al here gult & þe miracle him sede
Hou seint Nicholas to hem com wiþ sides blodrede
Þe þeoues & þe Gyw ȝurne seint Nicholas þo bede
Forȝyuenisse of þat & nolde neuere do to quede
& þe þeoues bicome true men & nestole neuereft more
& þe Gyw him let cristni anon & turnde al to Godes lore


Anoþer tyme a god man was þat hadde a clerk to sone
For loue of him he wolde eche ȝer a seint Nicholas dai bi wone
Of meni clerkes holde feste & seint Nicholas also
Wiþ offring & feste [at] churche gret honur to do
Þe deuel hadde þerto gre[t] onde a dai he com þere
A seint Nicholas dai to mete as hit a beggere were
& bad for seint Nicholas loue sum god þat me him ȝeue
Anon so þe child him þer wiste he nolde ne leng bileue
Ac bred he nom in his hond þe schrewe forto bede
Ac þo he com toward þe ȝete þe schrewe aweiward ȝeode
Þe child ȝeode euere after him to ȝyue him of þe brede
Ac he ȝeode euere forþ as hit were aweiward him to lede
& þo he com into a durne stede he turnde him atte laste
As hit were to nyme his bred ac anon he nom wel faste
Þe child bi þe seli þrote & astranglede him anon
Þe child lai þer & deide sone & þe schrewe gan forþ gon
Þe gode man þo he miste his sone he soȝte him wel wide
Ac þo he fond him ligge aslawe dulfulliche he cride
Louerd he seide seint Nicholas ich bidde þe milce & ore
Honured ich haue þe meni o dai & ȝut ich þenche more
& for enchesoun of mi sone þe more & for his lore
& þu me sendest ioye of him & schuldest me fram sore
Whi ȝuldestou mi while þus louerd whi dostou so
Seint Nicholas hou miȝtou þus [for] reuþe bi me do
Ȝif me ioye of mi child þat ich him mote alyue iseo
& ich bihote God to serui & god man for to beo
As he was þus in his bedes þat child aros vp alone
& herede God & seint Nicholas among hem echone
Þat him hadde lyf isend for his fader bone þer
& tolde him hou þe deuel him hadde astrangled er
For as moche as he honurede so seint Nicholas
Þis me þinȝþ as meni oþer a fair miracle was
Nou God þat for seint Nicholas [] such miracle hast ido


Schuld ous fram þe pyne of helle & fram dedlich synne also