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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Now ys gode sumwat to say
of Cristes resurectioun,
that rose from deth the thridde day
after he tholet hys passioun.


To seuen poyntes wel I may
haue consideracioun,
that I schal er I go away
ex[p]resly now to ow ex-poune.

Circa ipsam resurectionem septem sunt consideranda. Primo qualiter verum sit, quod tribus diebus & tribus noctibus in sepulcro iacuit & die tercia resurexit. Secundo quare non statim vt mortuus est, resurexit, set vsque in diem tercium expectauit. Tercio, qualiter resurexit: Quarto quare resurectionem suam accelerauit nec vsque ad generalem resurectionem distulit: Quinto, propter quid resurexit: Sexto, resurgens quotiens apparuit: Septimo, quare sanctos patres, qui erant in limbo, inde eduxit & quid ibi egit.