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Albemarle County in Virginia

giving some account of what it was by nature, of what it was made by man, and of some of the men who made it

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Three brothers named Wallace came to Virginia with
Michael Woods as his sons-in-law about 1734, Peter, Andrew
and William. Peter married Martha Woods, and settled in
Rockbridge County. He was the father of Adam and Andrew
Wallace, who displayed great gallantry in the battle of
Guilford C. H., the latter yielding up his life on that field.
The other brothers remained in Albemarle. Andrew Wallace
married Margaret Woods. His home was near Ivy
Depot, on part of the Charles Hudson entry, where Charles
Harper afterwards resided. He died in 1785. His children
were Michael, Samuel, Elizabeth, the wife of William Briscoe,
Mary, the wife of Alexander Henderson, Hannah,
Susan, the wife of Thomas Collins, Margaret, the wife
of William Ramsay, and Jean, the wife of a Wilson. All
these families except the Ramsays emigrated to the West,
some probably to western Virginia, but most of them to Kentucky.

William Wallace married Hannah Woods. His home was


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on land at the foot of the Blue Ridge near Greenwood Depot,
which he bought from Andrew Woods, and on which some
of his descendants still reside. His children were Michael,
John, Jean, the wife of Robert Poage, William, Sarah,
Hannah and Josiah. Michael lived on Lickinghole, was
Captain of a military company during the Revolution, and a
ruling elder in Mountain Plains Church, with his wife Ann
sold his place to George Conner in 1786, and emigrated to
Kentucky. John lived near Greenwood, with his wife Mary
sold out to his brother William, and in 1780 removed to
Washington County, Virginia. Josiah lived at Mechum's
Depot, with his wife Hannah sold his plantation to Edward
Broadus in 1796, and removed to Kentucky.

William continued in Albemarle, and resided at the old
home near Greenwood. He died in 1809. His wife was
Mary Pilson, and his children William, Richard, Hannah,
the wife of John Lobban, Samuel, Mary, Michael, Elizabeth
and John. William was associated with John Pilson in the
mercantile business, but died young and unmarried in 1812.
His business was continued by his brother Richard, who died
unmarried in 1832. Michael lived at the old homestead,
married Lavinia Lobban, was a ruling elder in Mountain
Plains Church, and died in 1845. His children were Samuel,
who emigrated to Texas, Mary, William, Martha, the wife
of Peter Le Neve, Michael W., Lavinia, the wife of Dr. A.
Hamilton Rogers, J. Hervey, Sarah, the wife of Thomas L.
Courtney, John R. and Charles. John married Elizabeth,
daughter of Joel Smith, and lived in Nelson. His children
were Jesse, Samuel, William W., Mary, the wife of William
Smith, and John Pilson.