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[Father, Son, and Spirit, come]

Father, Son, and Spirit, come,
And with Thine own abide;
Holy God, to make Thee room,
Our hearts we open wide,


Thee, and only Thee request,
To every asking sinner given:
Come, our Life, and Peace, and Rest,
Our All in earth and heaven.
Born again that Thee we may
In spirit and truth adore,
Come, and in Thy temples stay,
And never leave us more:
Thee our faithful souls desire;
Because we know Thee now in part,
Nothing less can we require,
Than all Thou hast, and art.
With resign'd simplicity
And patient earnestness,
Thee we seek; not Thine, but Thee
We languish to possess:
Come, and bring Thy nature in,
And let Thy love unrivall'd reign;
Grace we then, and glory win,
And all in Jesus gain.