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[O God, in Christ the Saviour]

O God, in Christ the Saviour
To sinners reconciled,
With manifested favour
Receive Thy suppliant child:
On us who bow before Thee
Lift up Thy smiling face,
And bid our souls adore Thee
The God of pardoning grace.
Father, till Thou revealest
Truth in our inward parts,
And sure forgiveness sealest
On all our waiting hearts,
Us by Thy fear o'erawing
From evil far remove,
And let us feel Thee drawing
Our hearts with cords of love.
In soft compassion mind us,
If e'er we go astray,
And speak the word behind us,
“Return, this is the way!”


Restrain our will consenting
To sin and misery,
And through Thy grace preventing,
Allure us back to Thee.
By mercy's sweet attraction
We after Thee shall run,
And win the satisfaction
For us already won,
Regain our long-lost Eden,
In Jesus' peaceful mind,
And by Thy Spirit's leading
Our heavenly country find.