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The Choir and The Oratory

or Praise and Prayer. By Josiah Conder

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Psalm cxxv.

Firm as the mount of God shall they abide,
Who in the Lord confide:
Zion, whose everlasting base,
Oh what can e'er displace?
And as the guardian hills surround
Salem's thrice holy ground,
So doth God's circling presence shelter those
Who on His love repose;
So will He evermore their souls from harm enclose.


Not long the tyrant's iron rod shall rest
Upon His saints oppressed;
Lest even the righteous that o'ergalling yoke
At length to crimes provoke.
But still the good and true in heart, the Lord
With goodness will reward:
While those who turn aside and dare rebel,
Must go where sinners dwell,
Their portion shame:—but peace shall be on Israel.