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The Sanctuary

A Companion in Verse for the English Prayer Book. By Robert Montgomery

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“Then shall be read the Proper Preface, according to the time.” Rubric.

Undeafen'd by the world's harsh din
True souls can hear The Christ within
For ever murm'ring with melodious voice
“Make God thy glory and His Will thy choice.”
Where'er these sainted pilgrims roam
Thou art, O Lord! their heaven and home—
That only Centre for an aching breast
By sorrow darken'd or by guilt depress'd.
The pangs but not the palms of mind
They bear, because they bless mankind
By teaching, what an impious world denies,—
That holy life is one long sacrifice.
But for the Church, those hearts would break
Who only live for Thy dear sake,
Finding no echoes to their deepest mood
And in the crowd,—a mental solitude!
To them, at best, man's hidden life
Is harrow'd by mysterious strife;
Sighs more than songs interpret what they feel,
Who hide the wounds the world-slaves would reveal.
Not cold, but calm, such spirits are
Who purify the earth by prayer,
And on mock pleasure which the gay pursue
Mark the bright transience of the morning-dew!


And yet though life a Baca seems,
A weeping valley of false dreams,
Saints have their “wells” of unpolluted joy
Which flow with freshness Time cannot alloy.
Such are the festivals they greet
Who round the christian Altar meet
Viewless adorers,—whose seraphic bliss
Blends with their own, and from a source like this
Derives accessions deep as true,—
Because the highest angels view
In Christ those glories of consummate love
Which deepen wisdom in the world above.
All mercies round The Cross entwined
The Church reveres with grateful mind:
But as one star another star outbeams,
Surpassing lustre in those five there gleams
She now commemorates with praise,—
Whose tones are caught from festal days
When from the cradled God on earth we rise
That Three-in-One to chant beyond the skies!
With angels and archangels we
Thus celebrate The Trinity;
And, hymning Father Son and Holy Ghost,
Blend our earth-worship with that sinless host
Who on the Throne for evermore
Jehovah the Triune adore,—
And cause the arches of bright heaven to ring
With rolling echoes which resound their King.

Psalm lxxxiv. 6.

Ephes. iii. 10.