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Letter to J****

My little Wid: to you I send
Or as my Doctress or my Friend
Hoping these Lines may find You S*****g
As I am at this present writing
I yesternight read Nendicks bills
Believ'd his lies and took his Pills
No sooner was the Rascall swallow'd
Ah J***y can you guess what follow'd?
I'l swear I thought I shou'd have quicken'd,
And from that moment fondly reckon'd.
At last my Physic like your Marriage
Brought nothing forth but a Miscarriage.
When I had suffer'd as I tell Yee
Those plaguey wamblings in my Belly
Backwards I much Dismist, and after
Indeed I scarse cou'd hold my Water.
Faith J**e those Pills are past enduring
That work at once by Stool and Urine;
I shou'd not, were you here, intreat Yee
To give me liberty to beat Yee;
For gentle walking will alone
Bring neighbor Nendick kindly down.
Thus having Thirty times I think
Drank your dear health in posset drink
I Answer to my Billet doux Require
And rest
Sweet J**e
Your filthy Friend
M. Pr***r.