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The Poetical Works of Anna Seward

With Extracts from her Literary Correspondence. Edited by Walter Scott ... In Three Volumes

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Celia, I read thy melting eye;
Thy check'd, yet stealing sighs I hear;
See from thy cheek the roses fly,
Or doubly glow when Florio's near.
Ah! not from his seducing glance
Too rashly drink the nectar'd bane!
Avoid him in the graceful dance,
Nor listen to his warbled strain!
It helps not, it avails not there,
Thy beauty's rising power to charm;
That his stung senses own thee fair
Is but thy too triumphant harm.
Ne'er to the sacred, marriage shrine
Thee shall the haughty Florio lead;


O lost, if still that heart of thine,
On latent, hopeless wishes feed!
Long shall thy love-lit eyes be dim
If soon thou art not bravely free;
The dart will not be barb'd for him,
Which surely shall be barb'd for thee.
Amid the busy scenes of life
Proud Florio shall thy image lose,
Forgotten in Ambition's strife,
Eclipsed by Grandeur's dazzling views;
While thou, supine, in lonely shades,
Shalt pale and sullen willows weave,
Swelling the list of hapless maids,
Who sigh disdain'd, neglected grieve.
O then, in time, from future woes
A shield in resolution seek,
And twine no more the thorny rose
'Mid chains thy juster pride should break!
Now, while thou may'st, the bliss dissolve,
That lightens but with transient ray!
Since clouds are gathering, to involve
This shining, faithless, April day.