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The Frost King


The Frost King

Oho! have you seen the Frost-King,
A-marching up the hill?
His hoary face is stern and pale,
His touch is icy chill.
He sends the song birds to the South,
He bids the brooks be still;
Yet not in wrath or cruelty
He marches up the hill.
Often he rests at noontime,
To see the sunbeams play,
And flash his spears of icicles,
Or bid them melt away.
He'll toss the snow-flakes in the air,
Nor let them go nor stay;
Then hold his breath that they may fall,
And coasting boys may play.


He'll touch the brooks and rivers wide,
That skating crowds may shout;
He'll make the people far and near
Remember he's about.
He'll send his nimble, frosty Jack—
Without a shade of doubt—
To do all kinds of merry pranks,
And call the children out;
He'll sit upon the whitened fields,
And reach his icy hand
O'er houses where the sudden cold
Folks cannot understand.
The very moon, that ventures forth
From clouds so soft and grand,
Will stare to see the stiffened look
That settles o'er the land.
And so the Frost-King o'er the hills,
And o'er the startled plain,
Will come and go from year to year
Till Earth grows young again—
Till Time himself shall cease to be,
Till gone are hill and plain:
Whenever Winter comes to stay,
The hoary King shall reign.