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CLXV. George Thorpe and John Pory. A Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys May 15 and 16, 1621
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CLXV. George Thorpe and John Pory. A Letter to Sir Edwin
May 15 and 16, 1621

Ferrar Papers
Document in Magdalene College, Cambridge. Autograph Letter, Signed, with Seal
List of Records No. 243

Hoble Sr

vnto whom although §I owe§ verie much and am willinge to paie some
thinge, yeat soe slender hath bine the haruest of or Labors, that I
cann scarce finde out what to offer, insoemuch as I doute God is displeased
wth vs that wee doe not as wee ought to doe, take his seruice a longe wth
vs by or serious endeuours of conuertinge the Heathen that Liue round
aboute vs and are dayly conersant amongst vs §&§ yeat is there is scarce
any man amongest vs that doth soe much as affoorde §them§ a good thought
in his §hart§ and most men wth theire mouthes mouthes giue them nothinge
but maledictions and bitter execrations beinge therevnto falslye caried
wth a violent misp̱swation (growen vppon them I knowe howe) that these
poore people haue done vnto vs all the wronge and iniurie that the malice
of the Deuill or man cann affoord whereas in my poore vnderstandinge
if there bee wronge on any side it is on ors who are not soe charitable to
them as Christians ought to bee, they beinge (espetiallye the better sort
of them) of a peaceable & vertuous disposition, only they are a litle
crauinge and that in a niggardly fassion for they will comonly p̱te wth
nothing they haue whatsoeuer what [1b] is giuen them, they begin more
and more to affect English ffassions and wilbe much alured to affect vs
by giftℯ if the company would bee pleased to send somethinge in matter
of apparell & househouldestufe to bee bestowed vppon them I meane the
Kingℯ I am p̱swaded it woulde make a good entrance into their affections
they beinge as I thinke first to be del dealt wth by the booke of the worlde
as beinge nearest to theire seanee sence, I thinke likewise that the com-
pany shall doe well to make som̃e publicke declaration of theire intente
and desier of the conuertion of this people and there wthall a testification
of theire loue and hartie affection towardℯ them to bee sent hither and
published thereby to molifie the mindℯ of or people, you will p̱ceaue by
or Letters in what a poore takinge wee are in for you9 Iron workℯ yeat I
haue furnished them wth a mason of my owne that hath buylt many Iron


furnasses in England and I hope shall p̱forme this here whervnto my help
and often prsence shall not bee wantinge The whole people haue begune
to plant vines this yeare and for my owne p̱te I haue planted for the
Coledge nere tenn thousand and doe intend god willinge euerie yeare to
sett more then double that number. [2a] The Silke-worme-seed is all
perished sauinge a verie smale quantitie sent mee in the supplie of Bristoll
of wch the Gouernor hath taken great care & I hope wee shall bringe it to
p̱fection & doe intend to saue it all for seede.

In the matter of or Gouerment here wee are many times p̱plexed som̃etimes
for lacke of Legall officers & som̃e times for wante of bookℯ I woulde
therefore intreate you to send vs the newe booke of thabridgment of
Statutℯ and Stamfordℯ pleas of the Crowne and m9 westℯ prsidentℯ and
what other Lawe bookℯ you shall thinke fitt and if you please likewise
t[o] send vs Gerardℯ Herball thereby to make comparison of the simples
of the Countrey.

By reason of the Spaniardℯ behauiour towardℯ Captaine Chester wee
haue som̃e reason to doute wee maie alsoe heare of them in this place
I praie therefore bee a meanes wee maie haue som̃e Pikes sent vs wch
weapon the maner of or peoples for fightinge ye wth the natiues hath
worne quite out of vse but if shall haue to doe wth the Spaniard wee must
fight wth him in his treanches wch hee that cann doe wth a Pike is a better
Soldier then I. Euen soe wth my pra praier to thalmightie for you9
heath & happienes I rest.

You9 most assured Louinge ffrende to searue you
Geo. Thorpe
If you chance to heare mee ill spoken of by any that came from hence I
praie you Judge charitablely till you bee better informed for I thanke
god I haue the testimony of a good conscience that I haue done noe man
wronge only I doe desier to bringe drounkennes & som̃e other sinns out of
ffation & If I liue I doute not but I shall doe it.
[Indorsed by Sir Edwin Sandys:] Mr George Thorp from Virginia By ye
Bona Nova 16 Maij: 1621.


[Indorsed by Nicholas Ferrar:] From Mr Thorpe 16 May 1621 by the
B. N. to Sr E. Sandys.
[Addressed by self:] To my Hoble ffrend Sr Edwine Sandis giue these wth