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[Father, by saints on earth adored]


To—“Hail, holy, holy, holy Lord.”

Father, by saints on earth adored,
By saints beyond the skies,
Accept through Jesus Christ our Lord
Our evening sacrifice:


If kept to-day from wilful sin,
We magnify Thy grace;
Thou hast our kind Preserver been,
And Thine be all the praise.
We found the presence of our God,
The power of Jesus' name,
While passing through the parted flood,
And through the harmless flame:
Enticed by sin, we did not yield,
Or place to Satan give:
And still by mercy's arm withheld,
We to Thy glory live.
We live to testify the grace
Which sure salvation brings;
And sink to-night in Thy embrace,
And rest beneath Thy wings:
But whether, Lord, we wake or sleep,
The charge of love Divine,
We trust Thy providence to keep
Our souls for ever Thine.


[Jesus, the virtue of Thy name]


To—“Sinners, obey the gospel-word.”

Jesus, the virtue of Thy name,
To-day as yesterday the same,
Our guilt removes, our fear dispels,
And every soul-distemper heals.
On us the precious faith bestow
Through which Thy name we truly know,
Experience all its saving powers,
And feel whate'er Thou hast is ours.


Thou giv'st us now our want to feel,
Thou dost our unbelief reveal,
And, wrought to this by previous grace,
We ask Thy love, and seek Thy face.
Thy all-restoring love impart,
Display Thy presence in our heart,
And perfectly made whole we rise,
And go in peace to paradise.


[O Thou that hast our sorrows borne]


To—“O Love Divine, how sweet Thou art!

O Thou that hast our sorrows borne,
Help us to look on Thee, and mourn,
On Thee whom we have slain,
Have pierced a thousand, thousand times,
And by reiterated crimes
Renew'd Thy mortal pain.
Vouchsafe us eyes of faith to see
The Man transfix'd on Calvary,
To know Thee who Thou art,
The one eternal God and true;
And let the sight affect, subdue,
And break my stubborn heart.
My heart all other means defies,
It dares against Thy threatenings rise,
Thy righteous laws disdains;
More harden'd than the fiends below,
With unconcern to hell I go,
And laugh at hellish pains.


Lover of souls, to rescue mine,
Reveal the charity Divine
That suffer'd in my stead,
That made Thy soul a sacrifice,
And quench'd in death those flaming eyes,
And bow'd that sacred head.
The unbelieving veil remove,
And by Thy manifested love,
And by Thy sprinkled blood,
Destroy the love of sin in me,
And get Thyself the victory,
And bring me back to God.
Now by Thy dying love constrain
My heart to love its God again,
Its God to glorify;
And lo, I come Thy cross to share,
Echo Thy sacrificial prayer,
And with my Saviour die.


[Fountain of endless mercies]


To—“Head of Thy church triumphant.”

Fountain of endless mercies,
Giver of all in Jesus,
Who from Thy throne
Hast sent Thy Son
To ransom and to bless us:
Respect our humble mansion
With grateful joy resounding,
With hymns of praise
For pardoning grace
Above our sins abounding.


Acknowledging the Author
And God of our salvation,
Our hearts we lift,
And own the gift
Too mighty for expression:
We would be truly thankful
Whom Jesus doth deliver
From all our foes,
And peace bestows,
And life that lasts for ever.
At morning, noon, and evening
Our sacrifices bringing,
We instantly
Give praise to Thee,
The song triumphant singing;
With all Thy ransom'd people
Through Jesus' blood forgiven,
From earth we fly,
And scale the sky,
And join the choir of heaven.


[The wonders of grace Redeem'd we proclaim]


To—“Ye servants of God.”

The wonders of grace Redeem'd we proclaim,
The virtues confess Of Jesus's name;
Our whole conversation To Jesus doth tend,
To final salvation, And joy without end.
We rise with the sun, To commune of Him;
And when we lie down, He still is our theme:
Recording His praises, We sink on His breast,
And in His embraces With confidence rest.


Of Jesus our Friend We talk by the way,
His goodness commend, His Spirit obey;
By short aspirations His succour implore,
And kept in temptations Rejoice evermore.
O Saviour, appear, To finish our sin,
In love without fear Thy nature bring in:
We then in the Spirit Of purity rise,
Thy joy to inherit, Thy throne in the skies.


[Almighty Redeemer of all]


To—“Ah, lovely appearance of death!

Almighty Redeemer of all,
To trouble and misery nigh,
Convinced, but unsaved from our fall,
On Thee we desire to rely;
Thou Lover and Friend of mankind,
With joy we have heard of Thy fame,
Thy mercy expecting to find
For ever and ever the same.
Thou didst the lost sinners receive,
The weary, o'erwhelm'd, and oppress'd,
Thou didst the afflicted relieve,
And give them assurance and rest:
With sins or infirmities pain'd,
Thy succour who humbly implored,
As many as sought it obtain'd,
As many as touch'd were restored.
Invited and urged to draw nigh,
We trust in a merciful God,
To Thee, the Physician, apply,
And wait for a drop of Thy blood:


Thy blood can all sicknesses heal;
Its virtue, O Jesus, impart,
Our pardon infallibly seal,
And heaven implant in our heart.


[Come, Jesus, and build Thy temples below]


To—“'Tis finish'd, 'tis done.”

Come, Jesus, and build Thy temples below,
In mercy reveal'd Thy Deity show;
Lay deep the foundation Of faith in Thy blood,
Which brought us salvation, Which brings us to God.
Implant by Thy grace A church in this house,
Then, then we shall praise, And pay Thee our vows;
Beholding Thy glory, Our souls shall arise,
And gladly adore Thee, Like those in the skies.
A power to believe We humbly request,
And long to receive The promise of rest:
From sorrow and sinning This moment to cease,
Our service beginning With pardon and peace.
The praise of our Lord Impatient to spread,
We wait for a word That quickens the dead:
Thy mercy forgiving The moment we see,
The living, the living Shall triumph in Thee.
The blessings of grace If others conceal,
Our lips shall confess The comforts we feel;
Redeem'd by Thy passion, We all the day long
Will publish salvation, And sing the new song.


O wouldst Thou inspire Our hearts with Thy love,
And add to the choir Of harpers above:
Then, Saviour, receive us, When perfect in one,
And graciously give us A share of Thy throne.


[Jesus, we look to Thee]


To—“Thanks be to God alone.”

Jesus, we look to Thee,
Part of Thy family:
Saviour of our sinful race,
Claim the purchase of Thy blood,
Seize the prisoners of Thy grace,
Bring us to a pardoning God.
Disconsolate, distress'd,
We sigh to Thee for rest,
Of our heavy load complain,
Sorrows, sins, and doubts, and fears,
Till the Comforter we gain,
Till the bloody cross appears.
But when that Spirit pours
Thy blood on us and ours,
Conscience is no more defiled,
Sighing, sin, and fear are gone,
God in Thee is reconciled,
God in Thee is all our own.
Come, Father, in the Son,
And in the Spirit down,


Purify our inward parts
By Thy love ineffable,
Take possession of our hearts,
God in us for ever dwell.


[Thou Son of God, whose flaming eyes]

Thou Son of God, whose flaming eyes
Our inmost thoughts perceive,
Accept our evening sacrifice,
Which now to Thee we give:
We bow before Thy gracious throne,
And think ourselves sincere;
But show us, Lord, is every one
Thy real worshipper?
Is here a soul that knows Thee not,
Nor feels his want of Thee,
A stranger to the blood which bought
His pardon on the tree?
Convince him now of unbelief,
His desperate state explain,
And fill his careless heart with grief,
And penitential pain.
Speak with that voice which wakes the dead,
And bid the sleeper rise,
And bid his guilty conscience dread
The death that never dies;
Extort the cry, What must be done
To save a wretch like me?
How shall a trembling sinner shun
That endless misery?


I must this instant now begin
Out of my sleep to wake,
And turn to God, and every sin
Continually forsake;
I must for faith incessant cry,
And wrestle, Lord, with Thee,
I must be born again, or die
To all eternity.


[O God, in Christ the Saviour]

O God, in Christ the Saviour
To sinners reconciled,
With manifested favour
Receive Thy suppliant child:
On us who bow before Thee
Lift up Thy smiling face,
And bid our souls adore Thee
The God of pardoning grace.
Father, till Thou revealest
Truth in our inward parts,
And sure forgiveness sealest
On all our waiting hearts,
Us by Thy fear o'erawing
From evil far remove,
And let us feel Thee drawing
Our hearts with cords of love.
In soft compassion mind us,
If e'er we go astray,
And speak the word behind us,
“Return, this is the way!”


Restrain our will consenting
To sin and misery,
And through Thy grace preventing,
Allure us back to Thee.
By mercy's sweet attraction
We after Thee shall run,
And win the satisfaction
For us already won,
Regain our long-lost Eden,
In Jesus' peaceful mind,
And by Thy Spirit's leading
Our heavenly country find.


[Rest of every weary spirit]

Rest of every weary spirit,
Peace of every troubled heart,
Jesus, full of righteous merit,
Righteousness to us impart;
All our sins in love pass over,
(All our sins were counted Thine,)
Spread Thy skirt our shame to cover,
Screen us from the wrath Divine.
To the hope display'd before us
While we would for refuge fly,
To Thy Father's smile restore us,
Now the' ungodly justify;
While we pant beneath the mountain,
O remove our guilty load,
Draw us to the open fountain,
Plunge the sinners in Thy blood.


Peace be to our habitation,
Peace to all that here reside!
Stir them up to seek salvation
Who secure in death abide:
By themselves no longer harden'd
Comfort may they never know,
Never rest till freely pardon'd
After Thee with joy they go.
In a state of nature sleeping,
Still our little ones defend,
Have the innocents in keeping
Whom we to Thy care commend;
Gently from their slumber wake them;
Shortening then the legal strife,
Thine adopted children make them
Heirs of everlasting life.
Every present soul receiving
In Thy mercy's arms embrace,
Write our names among the living,
Number with the faithful race:
Hallow'd vessels of election
For those purer mansions meet,
Children of the resurrection
Take us to Thy glorious seat.


[Father, Son, and Spirit, come]

Father, Son, and Spirit, come,
And with Thine own abide;
Holy God, to make Thee room,
Our hearts we open wide,


Thee, and only Thee request,
To every asking sinner given:
Come, our Life, and Peace, and Rest,
Our All in earth and heaven.
Born again that Thee we may
In spirit and truth adore,
Come, and in Thy temples stay,
And never leave us more:
Thee our faithful souls desire;
Because we know Thee now in part,
Nothing less can we require,
Than all Thou hast, and art.
With resign'd simplicity
And patient earnestness,
Thee we seek; not Thine, but Thee
We languish to possess:
Come, and bring Thy nature in,
And let Thy love unrivall'd reign;
Grace we then, and glory win,
And all in Jesus gain.


[Spirit of supplication]

Spirit of supplication,
Through Jesus Christ bestow'd,
Visit this habitation,
And make us Thine abode;
To pour a mournful prayer
Help our infirmity,
And all our souls prepare,
Great God, to compass Thee.


Spirit of faith, discover
To us the Crucified,
The sinners' Friend, and Lover
Who for His haters died:
Set forth the Lamb atoning,
As slaughter'd in our stead,
And let us hear Him groaning,
And see Him bow His head.
Help us to look upon Him
By us transfix'd and torn,
The Lord of all to own Him,
And o'er our Saviour mourn;
With tears of true contrition
Bewail a tortured God,
And find Him a Physician
Who heals us by His blood.
O might we now relenting
Confess the Deicide,
And while we lie lamenting
Perceive His blood applied!
No longer let us grieve Him
Who joy to us imparts,
But lovingly receive Him
Into our broken hearts!