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She turns—she meets the Murderer's gaze:
Her own is scorched with a sudden blaze—
The blood streams down her brow;
The blood streams through her coal-black hair—
She strikes it off with little care;
She scarcely feels it flow,
For she has marked and known him too
And his own heart's ensanguined dew
Must slake her vengeance now!
False friend! no tongue save thine can tell
The mortal strife that then befell:
But, ere night darkened down
The stream in silence sang once more
And, on its green bank, bathed in gore
Augusta lay alone!


False Love! no earthly eye did see,
Yet Heaven's pure eye regarded thee
Where thy own Douglas bled—
How thou didst turn in mockery
From his last hopeless agony
And leave the hungry hawk to be
Sole watcher of the dead!