University of Virginia Library


Mamma's left off bus'ness, and I've sunk the shop,
So my old trade acquaintance I think I shall drop;
Sam Souchong the grocer, Billy Biscuit the baker,
Tommy Tit the taylor, and Miss Stitch the mantuamaker;
Peter Puff the perfumer, Frank Felt the hatter,
And Sally Score, the bar-maid at the Pewter-Platter;
Miss Minikin the milliner, the pride of city belles,
And funny Joe Grimaldi, the clown of Sadler's Wells.
Ti tiddle, liddle, lol.
All the people direct 'Squire to me when they write,
And mamma talks of having me made a barrow knight;
Sir Jeremy Scaite! O, 'twill sound monstrous pretty,
And I'll drive my bar-rouche, dashing, splashing thro' the city;
I'm a high dog; for a frolic with a dozen,
At the tavern, plump behind the fire popp'd the landlord's cousin;
The landlord cried out, “Gentlemen, my cousin would you kill?”
Says I, “O, dem your cousin, you can charge him in the bill.”
Ti tiddle, &c.