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Seyn Nycholas þe holi mon þat good confessour was
Icome he was of heie men in þe cite of Patras
Vor in Patras he was ibore inele noȝt þer of lye
His fader was Ion icleped is moder Epihanie]
Þe furste dai þat he was ibore þe child þat was so god
Ac hit was in a mele ibaþed alone vpriȝt hit stod
As sone as he was ek ibore he bigan beo god & clene
No Fridai he nolde ne Wendesdai soke bote ene


Þo he nemiȝte go nespeke as me siȝþ children do
Laȝinge pleyinge & gameninge he bileuede also
Þo he was siþþe of grettere elde to scole he was iset
He gan to lurni wel ynou me nuste no child bet
Siþþe þo he more wit couþe al his studie he toc
To godspelles & oþer holi writtes & alle oþer bokes forsoc
So clene lyf he ladde ȝung þat deynte hit was to wite
More godnisse nemiȝte beo þan me fyndeþ of him iwrite
After his fader deþ & his moder þis holi man Nicholas
Wel lute tolde of al here god for he here eir was
Pore men he ȝaf hit clene wharso he seȝ neode
Whan hi nolde bidde him non stilleliche he wolde hem beode
An heȝ man þer was þer biside þat siþþe þurf liþer cas
Þat al his god hadde ilore & in gret pouerte was
Þreo douȝtren he hauede gode ynou & clene also
In gret meseise hi were ibroȝt þat hi nuste what do
Þo hi nuste hou best libbe þo here god was bynome
Here red hi nome alle þreo fole wimmen to bicome
& raþer þan hi in honger were libbe in hordom
Þo þe olde man here seli fader gret deol to him nom
Gret reuþe hadde in his hurte þe gode seint Nicholas
Þo he hurde of þe deol þat among hem was
Of his fader god a niȝt a weg of golde he nom
In a clout wel stilleliche & to here house he com
To a durne wyndowe stilleliche softe he gan gon
He caste in þat gold priueiliche & wende out anon
Þis hosebonde aros amorwe & herof nuste noȝt
He com & fond þe weg of gold þat þe gode man hadde ibroȝt
Þerof he was glad ynou he nuste ho hit him broȝte
He þonkede ȝurne Iesu þat on his meseise þoȝte
Þerwiþ he conseillede his vlþere douȝter sone
He þonkede God wiþ gode hurte þat hadde ihurde his bone


Seint Nicholas herof ihurde & naþeles ȝut he þoȝte
Þat þis seli man gret neode hadde þat more god me him broȝte
A niȝt he lokede his tyme wel as oure Louerd hit wolde
& atte fenestre caste in eft anoþer weg of golde
Þis hosebonde amorwe aros þe gold he fond sone
He þonkede God mid gode hurte þat ihurd hadde his bone
& naþeles him wondrede moche ho so his freond were
& þoȝte þat he wolde awaiti if he come more þere
He consaillede his oþer douȝter swiþe wel wiþ golde
Wiþ gret noblei & brudale as oure Louerd hit wolde
Þo þoȝte þe gode Nicholas þo þis was al ido
Þat god hit were to consailli þe þridde after þe tuo
A niȝt he wende stilleliche to þis fenestre eftsone
& caste in a weg of golde as he was iwoned to done
Þis hosebonde hadde iwaked longe to awaiti þis cas
Þo þat þe gode man com wakinge he was
Vp he sturte & suede him & huld him bihynde faste
He nelet him noȝt go forte he was iknowe atte laste
Seint Nicholas ȝurne bad þat he noman for ne sede
Þe while he alyue were of þis priuei dede
Wiþ þis gold þe þridde douȝter wel iconseilled was
& alle þreo were gode wyues þurf seint Nicholas
Seint Nicholas in þisse manere as ich ȝou habbe ised
Bisette al his heritage þo his fader was ded
Whan oþer men ȝeode to pleye he nadde þerto no wille
At churche he wolde in an hurne hi[s] bedes bidde wel stille
Hit biful þat þe bischop of Mirree was ded
Þat folc com to chuse anoþer & þerof nome here red
So þat hi were in here bedes niȝt & dai wel faste
Þat God hem send a god man & he hem ihurde atte laste
For a niȝt þer com a voiȝ as hit were in metinge
To a bischop þat was maister of þe cheosinge
Goþ hit seide to morwe sone to churche er hit dai beo


& þe furste man þat ȝe mowe in þe churche iseo
& þat hote Nicholas takeþ him wel sone
And makeþ him bischop of Mirre for God haþ ihurde ȝoure bone
Þis bischop & þis oþer folc arise er hit dai were
& come to churche & Nicholas sone fonde þere
In an hurne priueiliche hi eschte what he was
& what were his name þo he seide Nicholas
Hi nome & ladde him heȝliche to þe churche of Mirre
& sacrede him to bischop sone & sette him on his ce
Þo he was heȝ man ymaked þis holi man Nicholas
More boxom was & mylde þan he euere was
Lute prute he hadde þat men him wolde aloute
& if hit nere for eye of God him were leouere wiþoute
So prest he was to alle men þat to him bede & cride
Þat such miracle oure Louerd for him dude þat me spac of wide
A gret hep of men o tyme in to þe see wende
In a schip to do here neode if oure Louerd hem grace sende
So þat þer com a gret tempest þat hi wende alle adrenche
Hi bihete God al þe godnisse þat hi miȝte on þenche
So þat hi þoȝte as here schip toward grounde was
Of þe godnisse þat me spac of þe bischop Nicholas
Leoue louerd Nicholas wel loude echone cride
If hit is soþ þat me haþ of þe ispeke wide
In þis peryl sauue ous er oure schip adrenche
Louerd Nicholas sauue ous þat we her ne senche
As hi gradde þus hi seȝe come vp of þe water biside
A bischop in an abyt suiþe fair on him swiþe hi cride
Lo me her quaþ þis holi man ȝe clipeþ me her so faste
Siggeþ me what ȝoure wille beo & wharof ȝe beoþ agaste
Louerd hi seide Nicholas if hit beo þi wille
Sauue ous her in þis tempest þat we her ne spille
Ne þore ȝe quaþ þis holi man herof noþing drede


Þat weder him was stille ynouȝ þo he þis word sede
Hi bihulde after þis gode man hi nuste whar he was
Hi þonkede moche Iesu Crist & þe bischop Nicholas
Þane wei murie & stilleliche toward þe lond hi nome
Wiþoute tempest & wiþ glade hurte to þe londe hi come
Echone hi dude him forþ anon to þe bischop Nicholas
Þat hi neuere neseȝ er ne wiste which he was
Hi stode & bihulde him faste & þo hi to þis gode man come
To soþe hi seȝe þat hit was he þat þe deþ him bynome
Louerd hi seide ihered þu beo to þe we gradde blyue
Anoueward þe see þu come to ous & brouȝtest ous to lyue
Ihered beo þe tyme þat þu most an vrþe among men beo
For suche grace naþ non vrþlich man as me mai of þe iseo
Þis gode man þo he hurde þis þonkede & herede also
Oure Louerd þat wolde for his loue such fair miracle do
Hit biful anoþer tyme of þe bischop Nicholas
Þat gret hunger al aboute in his bischopriche was
So fulle þe ȝeres menye þat no corn þer nas
Gret deol hadde þis bischop of þis liþere cas
Fram ffurrene þer come schipes wiþ corne þer biside
Þe bischop wende aȝen hem anon & bad hem a stounde abide
For þe loue of Iesu Crist leneþ me he sede
An hondred quarters of þe corn þat ȝe doþ þer lede
To þis seli men þat beoþ neȝ her for honger dede
Þat nabbeþ no corn to libbe bi to brede ne to sede
Certes sire quaþ þis schipmen þat neþore we do noȝt
For al þis corn þat þu sixt þat we habbeþ ibrouȝt
Mid swiþe scars met mid alle itake hit is ous echone
For to lede to þemperour we neþore þerof make no lone
Saunȝ faille quaþ þis gode man nedrede ȝe þerof noȝt
Þat if ȝe me wolleþ þerof lene þat ȝou neschal failli noȝt
For þat fulle ȝe schulle take vp þat me tok ȝou to lede


Ȝou neschal failli of ȝoure met noȝt a strawes brede
Þis schipmen vpe trist of þis word wel largeliche him mete
& toke þe bischop wel ymete an hondred quarters of whete
Hi wende forþ to þemperour & þis corn him ladde
& bede þe steward mete wel forte he þat fulle hadde
Hi mete & fonde al þat fulle & wel more þerto
For wonder hi eschte þe schipmen whi hit wexe so
Seint Nicholas hi þonkede þo þat he his neode to hem mende
& tolde anon þemperour hou moche corn hi him lende
& hou he seide þat hit nescho[l]de for him wanye noȝt
& hou hi hadde bi large met wel þe more ibroȝt
Þis gode bischop hi herede swiþe & þonkede also
Þat hadde þurf oure Louerdes grace such miracle ido
Al þe contrai hadde ynou to mete & to sede
Tuo ȝer & more of þis corn þat hi gonne þider lede
Nou was he god borȝ ȝulde were alle men so gode
As god men were lene as sulle ho so hit vnderstode