The principal biblical and patristic texts are discussed
in A. Nygren, Den kristna kärlekstanden genom tiderna
(Stockholm, 1936); trans. P. S. Watson as Agape and Eros
(Philadelphia, 1953). See also especially P. Berger, The
Sacred Canopy (New York, 1967); E. Bloch, Das Princip
Hoffnung (Frankfurt, 1959); A. Camus, le mythe de Sisyphe
(Paris, 1942), trans. as The Myth of Sisyphus & Other Essays
(New York, 1955; and repr.); Cross Currents, 18, 3 (1968); R.
Garaudy, De l'anathème au dialogue (Paris, 1965), trans. L.
O'Neill as From Anathema to Dialogue (New York, 1966);
K. Jaspers and R. Bultmann, DieFrage der Entmytholog-
isierung (Munich, 1954), trans. as Myth and Christianity
(New York, 1958); M. Marty and D. Peerman, eds., New
Theology No. 5 (New York, 1968); J. Moltmann, Theologie
der Hoffnung (Munich, 1965), trans. J. Leitch as Theology
of Hope (New York, 1967); T. O'Dea, The Catholic Crisis
(Boston, 1968); W. C. Smith, The Meaning and End of
Religion. A New Approach to the Religious Tradition of
Mankind (New York, 1963); T. Steeman, “The Underground
Church: The Forms and Dynamics of Change in Contem-
porary Catholicism,” The Religious Situation: 1969, ed. D.
Cutler (Boston, 1969), pp. 713-48; P. Teilhard de Chardin,
L'avenir de l'homme (Paris, 1959), trans. N. Denny as The
Future of Man (New York, 1964); P. Tillich, The Courage
to Be (New Haven, 1952); idem, Dynamics of Faith (New
York, 1957); idem, The Protestant Era, trans. J. L. Adams
(Chicago, 1948); A. Toynbee, Christianity among the Reli-
gions of the World (New York, 1957); E. Troeltsch, Die
Soziallehren der christlichen Kirchen und Gruppen
(Tübingen, 1911), trans. O. Wyon as The Social Teaching
of the Christian Churches, 2 vols. (1931; reprint New York,
1960); M. Weber, “Religionssoziologie,”
Wirtschaft und
Gesellschaft (Tübingen, 1922; 1956), trans. E. Fischoff as
Sociology of Religion (Boston, 1963).
[See also Authority;
Church as an Institution; Gnosticism;
Love; Reformation; Socialism; Women.]