University of Virginia Library


[The Lord is risen indeed]


To—“Rejoice, the Lord is King.”

The Lord is risen indeed,
And bids His members rise!
Ye saints, by Jesus freed,
Pursue Him to the skies:
This is the day the Lord hath made;
Rejoice, and be for ever glad!
On this triumphant day,
Peculiarly His own,
He calls His church to pray,
And sing around His throne:
This is the day the Lord hath made;
Rejoice, and be for ever glad!
Jesus, to us impart
Thy resurrection's power,
And teach our quicken'd heart
Its living Lord to' adore,
To vie with the redeem'd above
Rejoicing in Thy pardoning love.
Us by Thy peace assure
Thou dost our sins forgive,
And then our spirits pure
Unto Thyself receive,
To keep the day of rest above
Rejoicing in Thy heavenly love.